Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Philosophy On The Way to Ecology

I started with what Phenomenology was and then wrote a poem about a situation I went through as a child and how my memory presents it to me. How I relive that memory is not correct (because I always see everything from the sky and I obviously wasn't floating when all of this was happening) and  that is phenomenology.

I remember seeing it from the sky.
Fire on the stove.
My little sister sitting underneath.
My mother screaming.
My step father, not there.
I’m at the backdoor watching two men run in.
They are our neighbors,
Refusing to stop,
Bringing in jugs of water.
My mother cries and hugs my sister.
I am in the air.
The fire trucks arrive and everyone is relieved.
I saw them coming from my seat up high.
I knew it was going to be fine.
The breeze was very soft.

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